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igus® S.L.U.

Ctra. Llobatona, 6

Poligono Noi del Sucre

08840 Viladecans Barcelona

+34 93 647 39 50
+34 93 647 39 51

iglidur® i6-BLUE, laser sintering material

  • Food compliant according to FDA
  • Blue colour for optical detectability
  • Excellent abrasion resistance
  • Tough
  • Accurate surface details
  • Ideal for worm wheels
Descripción del producto
The food conformity declaration and data sheets for iglidur i6-BLUE can be found on this page in the "Downloads" tab.

Selective laser sintering (SLS) material: iglidur® i6-BLUE

The iglidur i6-BLUE material, developed for laser sintering, is specifically intended for use as a worm wheel, and for food contact. The tests in the igus test laboratory showed a longer service life than for conventionally milled gears - e.g. POM - This significantly increases flexibility in the design of components, because the laser sintering process eliminates the need for tooling and therefore special parts can be manufactured efficiently with no minimum order quantity. Furthermore, iglidur i6-BLUE is ideal for snap-on connections due to the higher elongation at break.

When do I use it?
  • When a food-compliant material in a continuous blue colour is required (optical detectability)
  • For applications with sliding motion, especially for worm gears
When not to use it?
Datos técnicos


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