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igus® S.L.U.

Ctra. Llobatona, 6

Poligono Noi del Sucre

08840 Viladecans Barcelona

+34 93 647 39 50
+34 93 647 39 51

iglidur® i230, laser sintering material

  • Higher application temperature up to 110 °C
  • Highest flexural strength of 94 MPa at 20 °C
  • PFAS-free
  • Electrostatic dissipative (ESD)
Descripción del producto
Selective laser sintering (SLS) material: iglidur® i230

The iglidur i230 laser sintering powder stands out as another all-rounder material among the iglidur SLS materials. Unlike iglidur i3, however, it is designed for higher application temperatures and withstands long-term temperatures of up to 110° Celsius. Moreover, the material is 80 % more wear-resistant than PA12. Of all iglidur SLS materials, iglidur i230 offers the highest flexural strength and, in addtion, it has electrostatically dissipative (ESD) properties.

Good to know: iglidur i230 contains no PTFE and is therefore not affected by future PFAS regulations. You can find the corresponding PFAS test report in the "Downloads" tab.

When to use it?
  • When a PFAS-free material is required
  • If the application temperature is above 80 °C in the long term and at a maximum of 110 °C
  • If components with high mechanical strength (also structural components) are required
  • If components with ESD properties are required up to 110 °C application temperature

When not to use it?
Datos técnicos


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