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igus® S.L.U.

Ctra. Llobatona, 6

Poligono Noi del Sucre

08840 Viladecans Barcelona

+34 93 647 39 50
+34 93 647 39 51

Robust energy chains and guide trough with ascent guard for 1500-ton shipyard crane

Since 2008, two roller chains have been running on 122m travel to supply the trolleys

When this 1500t Goliath crane was built in 2008, the shipyard operator opted for two of our Heavy Duty roller energy chains. Specially designed for such large-scale  projects, the two chains reliably supply two trolleys with energy - over a travel distance of 122m.


  • What was needed: Heavy Duty 5050RHD series roller energy chain
  • Requirements: The permanently safe cable guidance on 122m travel, at 18kg/m cable weight. Avoiding the rearing up of the energy chain due to the high thrust forces.
  • Industry: Crane industry
  • Success for the customer: The robust 5050 RHD chains, which have been in operation since 2008, are optimally equipped for the high cable weights and long travel distances. An anti-rise protection integrated in the guide trough prevents the energy chains from standing up.
Goliath shipyard crane with roller energy chain Over a travel of 122m each, these Heavy Duty roller energy chains supply the crane trolleys with energy.


Safe cable guidance even on long travels - and that in strong wind, sometimes heavy rain and corrosive sea air. With this challenge in mind, the two travelling trolleys were to be safely supplied with energy and data for this striking red shipyard crane, which matched the logo of the shipyard operator.
The travel of the crane trolleys of 122m had to be taken into account in the design of the cable guidance, as well as the considerable weight of 18kg per metre caused by the heavy cables. Due to the high frictional forces with this weight, a gliding energy chain was not an option for this. In addition, with a cable guidance of these dimensions, special care had to be taken to avoid a possible chain rise so that the e-chain cannot "rear up" due to the thrust force.


Since a gliding energy chain eventually reaches its technical limits at such high travel distances due to the high drive energy required and the high friction forces, the operator decided to use two of our Heavy Duty roller energy chains of the 5050RHD series. The extremely robust chain series with high tensile strength has been specifically designed for these tasks. The integrated roller elements minimise friction, which means that travels of over 400m and cable loads of up to 50kg/m  can be safely implemented.
In addition, the customer also opted for our chainflex cable product range for the cables, which was specifically developed for moving applications.
In order to prevent the energy chains including cables from lifting up due to the high drive forces, the customer was additionally advised to use an anti-climb protection integrated in the guide trough. By the way, we also test the behaviour of the 5050R energy chain on long travels and at high thrust in our in-house laboratory. This means we know the limits of our products and can always offer our customers the best possible overall system.

Goliath shipyard crane with roller energy chain The rollers reduce friction and the required drive energy drops to less than 25% compared to gliding energy chains.

Here you can find the products used

Roller energy chain 5050RHD

  • High strength and service life
  • For high fill-weight loads on long travels

chainflex cables

  • Four-year guarantee
  • Use the price check to always find the cable that costs least and is guaranteed to work


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