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igus® S.L.U.

Ctra. Llobatona, 6

Poligono Noi del Sucre

08840 Viladecans Barcelona

+34 93 647 39 50
+34 93 647 39 51

dryspin® motor spindle with serration for drylin® E lead screw motors, high helix thread, length 1000mm

  • Outer diameter: 10 - 18mm 
  • Pitch: 12 - 50mm 
  • Multi start
  • Length 1000mm 
  • Material: Acero inoxidable 1.4301
  • Dirección de la rosca: Rosca a la derecha
  • Tipo de rosca: Conjunto de tuerca y husillo con rosca helicoidal dryspin®
Descripción del producto
Motor lead screws of the dryspin®
lead screw technology

Lead screws are machine elements that are used to convert a rotational movement into a linear motion. The high helix lead screws are part of our dryspin range, which is specially designed for fast and very efficient applications. Here, thread sizes from DS4x2.4 to DS18x100 are available. The standard range for motor lead screw includes ready-to-connect thread dimensions from DS6.35x2.54 to DS14x25. Suitable for our drylin® E lead screw stepper motors.

The standard material of the dryspin lead screws is stainless steel AISI 304. Thereby it is 100% corrosion-free and low wear. The lead screws offered by igus are generally rolled lead screws. The advantages of this manufacturing process (good surface quality and cost-effective production) are ideally suited to the lubrication-free lead screw nuts made of tribologically optimised plastics.

Setup and installation of lead screw motors - the basics
Find out more about the details of the construction and assembly of lead screw motors here.

Advantages of dryspin® high helix lead screws:
►100% maintenance-free dry operation
► Longer service life due to asymmetry
► Higher efficiency compared to conventional trapezoidal threads
► Quiet and vibration-free operation
► Resistant to dust and dirt
► 100% corrosion-free
► Not self-locking
► Fast delivery times
Datos técnicos


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