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igus® S.L.U.

Ctra. Llobatona, 6

Poligono Noi del Sucre

08840 Viladecans Barcelona

+34 93 647 39 50
+34 93 647 39 51

Delivered to the machine just in time

IMA Klessman GmbH is known worldwide for sophisticated woodworking machines

Ninety CNC axes in just the workpiece table, tool changing systems with eighteen tools, feed speeds of 100m/min, and milling spindles with 24,000rpm:
The BIMA linear robot series CNC machining centres produced in the IMA Klessmann GmbH production facility in Lübbecke, Germany, are high-performance machines with impressive performance and dimensions.


  • What was needed: 5150-series energy chains
  • Requirements: No dust ingress into the chain links when there were flying chips.
  • Industry: Wood-working industry
  • Success for the customer: The nature of the energy chain prevents dust from penetrating into its chain joints – whether the model is open or closed.
Discover all of our products for machine tools
Energy chains

Products used

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► Energy chain sample box


When the three milling and drilling units arranged in parallel move in a woodworking linear robot, power supplies and signal cables are not the only items to be guided; there is also cooling media and compressed air for the pneumatic drives and actuators. And there is chip suction. The suction hose on the BIMA P 980 has a diameter of 250mm.

Flying chips and wood dust place special demands on energy chains. A critical point is the fine dust that must have no ingress into the chain joints.



Even if the machine is working with flying chips, igus® energy chains meet these requirements, whether the e-chains® are installed in an open or closed form (openable energy tubes, for example). Thanks to the smooth outer contour, no wood dust, no matter how fine, can get into the encapsulated or closed stop-dogs. So IMA can use off-the-shelf products.

At first glance, the 40,000 different products in this range may seem confusing. But they offer the user the enormous advantage of not worrying about the energy chain during design, since he can be sure that there is a suitable series for his specific application profile. In most applications, IMA uses e-chains® from the E2 and E4 series. But in some cases, special designs and variants have already been implemented.


IMA Klessmann GmbH
IMA Klessmann GmbH


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