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igus® S.L.U.

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LED bulbs production with cobots

Automation of an LED bulb production, which is also used in over 10 schools in Vietnam to teach students how to programme cobots.   

Company: Tan Phat
Contact person: Mr. Vinh Ha Tien
Country: Vietnam

Here you will find the right products


The difficulties for the designers of the plants were: 
  • Very tight bend radius 
  • System size should not be significantly increased by the design
  • When moving the cobot without energy supply system, the cables were bent too much and in an unpredictable way.
  • The maintenance options were limited
  • The cobot could not use its full movement potential without a defined energy supply system.


  • No cable problems as they are protected by TRE.40.058.0.B.
  • Increasing the stability of the entire system
  • The cobots move much more evenly over the entire work area
  • Cable protection that is used against possible contact of the cobots with each other through potential incorrect programming avoided.  


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